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SCC Directives Part 3 Administrating Organizations...
This document outlines the requirements for administrating organizations in the management of mirror committees.
Flexible Standards-Based Strategies and Solutions
SCC works within the standardization network to find ways to leverage standardization to meet the needs of all its stakeholders – from government to industry, to each Canadian we serve. Those needs are evolving and require...
Bridging the Standards Divide: Modernizing Standards...
This report analyzes and compiles CATRTA beneficiary countries’ needs in the areas of standards, conformity assessment and technical barriers to trade (TBT), identified during the CIDA funded workshop/roundtable held from May...
The economic impacts of misalignment in the Canadian...
Lack of alignment of the Canadian Electrical Code across Canadian provinces and territories can be a technical barrier to trade. Regulatory inconsistencies, such as in the misalignment of electrical codes across provinces and...
National Standards Strategy
The National Standards Strategy is a comprehensive strategy that explores new thinking and new priorities and engages with new stakeholders in the standards network. It considers the current geopolitical environment, national...
The Canadian Smart Grid Standards Roadmap
The goal of this document is to provide a roadmap—a strategic plan—to advance the standards environment from today’s legacy electricity grid to tomorrow’s full deployment, operation and evolution of the Canadian Smart Grid...
Strengthening Canada’s Standardization Network...
As the leader of Canada’s standardization network, the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) worked with numerous stakeholders to address the duplication of standards used in Canada, and the duplication of effort of those...
Program Overview - Canadian Standards Development
This document provides an overview of the CSD Program, which SCC governs as part of its mandate. For the purposes of expediency, the acronym CSD – POV will be used. The following areas are included: Process for SDO...
Understanding GDPR | The role of standards in...
SCC developed this guidance document to introduce Canadian organizations to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and to recommend standardization strategies that can facilitate the compliance process. This regulation...
Using Climate Information in Standards Development
Technical Companion to the Guide for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation Considerations into Canadian StandardsTechnical Companion to the Guide for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation Considerations into Canadian...
Future by design: standards for a climate resilient...
Final Report of the 2016-2021 Standards to Support Resilience in Infrastructure Program Our buildings and infrastructure are designed with weather in mind. We expect our homes to protect us from heavy snow, our stormwater...